Thursday, October 12, 2006

when simba found nemo

what things does a fish think in a fish tank?
if a fish could think in a fish tank?
does she worry, fret and frown?
or does she smile, blessed with a memory
that doesn't ever let her think
that she's actually in a fish tank?


Sine Qua Non said...


duende said...

no no. lionfish. happyfish. singingfish. jumpingfish. flyingfish. forever.

Hari Adivarekar said...

majestic fish. I love the bluish tinge....psychedelic man!!!! :D

tangled said...

This fish, this fish, I've seen her, I say
At Styx where in a corner I sprawled today



duende said...

ummm. i guess there are quite a few of these fellas around then. this specimen was spotted in maya. new club with a constantly changing light scene it seems.